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Good Shepherd Matriculation Higher Secondary

Self-discipline is necessary to achieve self-direction. The school norms are a help to strengthen the students’ determination for growth in self-direction. They are guidelines to self-improvement rather than restriction to it.

    1. Attendance

  • Attendance on the opening and closing day of every term is compulsory.
  • Every student must carry the School Almanac to school daily and use it productively.
  • Students who are absent for more than 2 days at a time will not be permitted to join the class without producing a leave letter duly countersigned by the Principal. Absenteeism due to illness should be accompanied by a medical certificate.
  • Students must have an average attendance of 75% for the academic year.

    2. Punctuality

  • Punctuality is important. Students must be inside the school premises before 8:00 a.m. If a student comes late more than once a month, she will not be permitted to enter the school campus.
  • 3. Uniform

  • The prescribed school uniform must be worn on school days. Sports uniform should be worn on Fridays. (refer page no.15) Students who fail to come in complete school uniform will not be permitted to attend the day’s classes.
  • Students shall not wear rings, chains or anything of religious significance. Students are not allowed to dye their hair, grow or paint their nails, use mehendi or tattoos.
  • 4. Discipline

  • Speaking English is compulsory in the school campus. Students are forbidden to speak in any local language, nor use profane or vulgar vocabulary.
  • Students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school.
  • The student’s behaviour should be courteous and virtuous at all times and in all places both inside and outside the school.
  • At the first bell, all students must gather for the assembly and remain at the allotted place, in order and silence. Students must participate devoutly in the prayer and sing the hymns duly referring to their Almanac.
  • In the classroom, students should be seated only in the places allotted by the class teacher. No one is permitted to move from place to place or go out of the classroom, without due permission.
  • Private tuition either with a teacher of the school or any other tutor is strictly prohibited.
  • Students are not allowed to talk to parents/visitors or to leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal.
  • Students are not permitted to visit the washrooms during class hours except in case of an emergency.
  • Hygiene and cleanliness are very essential. Do not litter the campus. Toilets must be kept clean for the next user. Dispose sanitary napkins appropriately.
  • As a GO GREEN initiative, plastic is banned in the school campus. Students are prohibited to use plastic in the campus.
  • 5. Prohibited actions for which students are liable for suspension.

  • Students are strictly forbidden to bring any sort of comics, periodicals or objectionable literature, valuables like ornaments, camera or any other electronic devices to school.
  • The purchase of any article or food from unauthorized vendors at or near the school premises is not allowed.
  • Students are forbidden to write or scribble on the wall, tables etc., throw paper or ink in the classroom or any other damage of school property.
  • Usage of mobile phones is strictly prohibited. If a student is found with the possession of a mobile phone, it will be confiscated.
  • Students are forbidden to engage in the use of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and other harmful substances.
  • Any objectionable/ defamatory posts on social media relating to a student will be seriously dealt with.
  • 6. Payment of fees

  • The school fees should be paid via the web portal only. The fee gateway will be open from the 1st to the 10 th of every month only.
  • All students should complete their fee payment before the respective term exams and receive the “NO DUE CERTIFICATE”.
  • Fees once paid will not be refunded.
  • 7. Library records

  • Students are encouraged to visit the library and engage in a healthy reading habit. Reference materials to promote self-learning are available.
  • Students should maintain a record of the books borrowed from the library in the “Library Record” page and diligently return the same in good condition before the end of the time period.
  • Students who do not submit the library books on time or lose a book are liable to be fined.
  • 8. Academics

  • Students should bring all the textbooks and notebooks as per the timetable.
  • No student will be allowed to be absent from any examination /test etc. without the prior permission from the Principal.
  • All record notebooks and assignments should be submitted on the due date specified by the teacher.
  • Students are liable to lose the marks allotted for Internal Assessment for any of the above reasons.
  • 9. Co-curricular activities

  • Every student shall take part in school games unless declared physically unfit or exempted by the Principal.
  • Every student should participate in one or more co- curricular activities (Refer page no.24) as this is an important aspect of integral education.
  • Students are encouraged to participate in the advocacy activities of the school.
  • 10. Disciplinary action/ Suspension

  • The school reserves the right to dismiss or suspend a student on grounds of irregular attendance, malpractice of any sort or reprehensible behaviour.
  • Students are liable to be meted with strict disciplinary action for any of the following reasons:
  • ➢ Stealing, copying or helping others to copy and other malpractices such as altering marks and forging signatures.

    ➢ Groupism, bullying, discriminatory behaviour, cheating and other associated activities.

    ➢ Use of vulgar language and indecent behaviour.

    ➢ Joining other clubs, courses and institutions without the permission of the Principal.

    ➢ Substance abuse.

    ➢ Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards members of the staff, maligning staff and others.

  • The parent(s) and the student will be met by the Principal, given the necessary and sufficient proof / explanation, before the student is suspended or dismissed according to the extent of violation of conduct.
  • Further, the school reserves the right to withhold the Conduct Certificate.
  • 11. Safeguarding

  • As the school has a strong safeguarding policy, the students are encouraged to report any cases of violation/ abuse to the Principal or the concerned teacher-coordinator.
  • The students are invited to use the “SUGGESTION BOX” and “COMPLAINT BOX” for any communication to the authorities.